As you may know, I have been wondering what to do to make money on this blog. Well, one way is to add ads. I am a huge proponent to ad blocking, so if you have an ad blocker, continue to block the ads...
New Advertising

As you may know, I have been wondering what to do to make money on this blog. Well, one way is to add ads. I am a huge proponent to ad blocking, so if you have an ad blocker, continue to block the ads...
So, I have been experimenting with Digital Ocean Servers. If you remember, there was a time when I was using Linode, because they offered more bang for your buck. It seems now though, Linode has memor...
So, I have been messing around with some new blog technologies. I really want a super fast site. But I also want it to be easy for me to make posts. I started a couple projects to see how they work. O...
Nowadays we see most websites becoming responsive. So, no matter what size your screen is you can view the website with ease. But all of this is great for the user, but not so much the developer. At 1...
An alien criminal kills the young Agent K in 1969, altering the timeline, changing the Agency and placing the Earth in danger. Veteran Agent J (Will Smith) must travel back in time to 1969 to before t...
I want more people on the Mr. Joshua Pack project! This is a blog about Movie Reviews, Entertainment, Programming, and much much more. But to keep constant information, it is so much easier with more ...
Now, I kindof said in my last post I would be giving a a run down on how to maintain your computer. However, I am extremely late in giving you that, so instead, I will push that back and just talk and...